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February.1.25Personal Finance
Money Matters with Nimi

Tough economic times can strain not only a couple’s finances, but their relationship as well. Indeed, financial concerns are one of the most common sources of tension in relationships. For many men in particular, February has become a time of immense financial pressure. According to the Huffington Post, a survey estimated that this year, Americans will […]

February.1.25Love and Money
Money Matters with Nimi

When two people with significant histories and some baggage get married, there are important financial decisions to consider; children, assets, housing, retirement, health, estate planning etc. Here are some areas to think about to ensure that both individual and joint interests are protected. Health insurance Naturally as we get older health care costs may go […]

February.1.25Personal Finance
Money Matters with Nimi

Whether you are in a serious relationship, are formally engaged, or married, money is an essential part of our everyday lives and is a topic that should be discussed regularly. It is also a major cause of stress in relationships, particularly marriage, where it takes on an even greater significance not just for the couple, […]

February.1.25Personal Finance
Money Matters with Nimi

When two people become a couple they confront a myriad of financial choices and decisions. Are you engaged? How much do you know about your fiance’s financial situation? After the excitement of the wedding ceremonies, it will be time to face your financial future together. Research shows that money matters have some part in most […]

January.1.25New Year & your finances:
Money Matters with Nimi

The complex nature of our nation’s turbulent economy has impacted all Nigerians and leaves many feeling confused and anxious. The good news is that no matter how uncertain things may be, the basic fundamentals of personal financial management still apply, so do stay focused on this. Have you made your New Year Resolutions? Did you […]

January.1.25New Year & your finances:
Money Matters with Nimi

At the start of each new year, many of us have grand plans to repurpose our lives, careers, relationships and finances. However, we sometimes expect magic by hoping for the best but doing nothing to make it happen. Is procrastination a major problem for you? Procrastination can have many negative consequences. Deadlines are missed, opportunities […]

A - Z of Personal Finance
25-Day Christmas Challenge
Xmas Money Tips
Back to school TIPS
Back to school
Money Smart Kids


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