All New Year & your finances: Articles
January.1.25New Year & your finances:
Money Matters with Nimi

The complex nature of our nation’s turbulent economy has impacted all Nigerians and leaves many feeling confused and anxious. The good news is that no matter how uncertain things may be, the basic fundamentals of personal financial management still apply, so do stay focused on this. Have you made your New Year Resolutions? Did you […]

January.1.25New Year & your finances:
Money Matters with Nimi

At the start of each new year, many of us have grand plans to repurpose our lives, careers, relationships and finances. However, we sometimes expect magic by hoping for the best but doing nothing to make it happen. Is procrastination a major problem for you? Procrastination can have many negative consequences. Deadlines are missed, opportunities […]

January.1.25New Year & your finances:
Nimi Akinkugbe

A new year brings with it a sense of renewal and the age-old tradition of new-year resolutions helps you to focus on making positive changes in various aspects of your life. Financial resolutions are often ignored; here are a few to set you on the right footing for 2015. Do not try to initiate them […]

January.1.21New Year & your finances:
Money Matters with Nimi

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January.8.15New Year & your finances:
Nimi Akinkugbe

It’s so exciting to be in a new year; no matter how badly the last year may have gone for you, the new year always brings with it, hope of better things� a fresh start, a chance to do things better� and yes, you should do things better, if you desire a change, then you […]

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