It’s World Senior Citizen’s Day! A day set aside to appreciate the senior citizens across societies and celebrate and build on their achievements. The African family is dynamic and does not only comprise ofthe nuclear family, which is made up of parents and their children, but includes the extended family, which embraces several generations of […]
In many corporate organizations, 60 is the retirement age, whether you are ready or not, and even when you have so much more of your talent and experience to give. It can be quite disconcerting and unsettling to have to move on, particularly if you are not mentally and financially prepared. Research suggests that life […]
How would you like to spend your retirement years? Will your nest egg be able to provide the kind of lifestyle that you have become accustomed to and how much will it cost? Sadly, many people end up impoverished in their later lives or are totally dependent on their children or other family members. Yet, […]
The Nigerian family usually consists of not only the nuclear family, which is made up of parents and their children, but the extended family, which embraces several generations of people who are related by blood, marriage, or adoption. It is the very foundation of Nigerian social life and includes siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and […]
Nigeria celebrates 58 years of independence next week. Sadly, we have not met our own expectations as a nation or attained the financial stability and security that we desire. What does 58 mean to you? Are you 58 with little in the way of savings and investments? Can you see where 30 or more years […]
Building a nest egg for your retirement is only one aspect of retirement planning; this may well be the easy part. For many people, what is more difficult is ensuring that those savings you have accumulated over the years, actually last as long as you live. Indeed, perhaps one of the greatest challenges to financial […]
A recent survey of how the average Nigerian is feeling about their personal finances attracted the following responses; I am five years to retirement and afraid I might just not have enough. I am scared that my standard of living will fall. I have two children studying abroad and with the devaluation of the naira, my […]
Are you on the other side of 45 and have little or no retirement savings? Have you ignored this most important stage of your life and suddenly find that retirement is looming? Very few of us save enough for retirement and most people will fall short. Research has suggested that retirees will require about 60 […]
Will you outlive your assets? Mrs Gomez is 72 years old. She has always been a diligent, disciplined saver, and planned ahead for a secure and comfortable retirement. She is a conservative investor and retained most of her savings in the money market so that she could earn regular income. When the stock market plummeted […]
Are you on the other side of 45 and have little or no retirement savings? Have you ignored this most important stage of your life and suddenly find that retirement is looming? Very few of us save enough for retirement and most people will fall short. Research has suggested that retirees will require about 60 […]